Welcome to Windswept Farms Est. 1993 by the Ludlam Family.
Welcome to Windswept Farms established in 1993 by the Ludlam Family. We have been raising purebred and commercial sheep for over 25 years, with an emphasis on health, conformation and wool quality. Our flock is veterinarian managed and enrolled in the USDA Scrapie Flock Certification Program at the Select Monitored status. We currently keep a small flock of top quality registered Shetland Sheep, a small flock of 4H club lambs, and a larger flock of commercial sheep. We are currently breeding our commercial sheep for a trait called GM1 Gangliosidosis for the treatment of Huntington’s Disease and other neurologic disorders in humans.
Contact us by email at drhludlam@gmail.com
We're MAEAP Verified!
The gM1 Project
Want to know more? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.
Our Address?
3051 130th Ave.
Hopkins, MI 49328